A Bad Case of “Individualitis”

Below you will find a 40 minute message given by Andrew Wilson. I’ve never heard of him, but he just punched me right in the gut. A nasty habit of thought, that is seemingly rooted very deeply in my heart, has come crashing to the surface. It’s called “individualitis,” and here’s how it looks in my life:

I am scared to death I will amount to nothing in this world and my name will be forgotten. I’ll even Christianize it for you…I am scared I will not make huge strides for God’s Kingdom.  I am drowning in my own head because of this anti-community, self-absorbed way of thinking. I’m suffocating under this pressure to change my surrounding world. Change it!

Simply put, ordinary is failure. I can’t be ordinary–what can God do with that?

Arrogance, pride, unbiblical understanding of God, his church, my identity, my role…these are just a few problems that result from individualitis.  I will contemplate these things for many months ahead. But now I strongly encourage you to take 40 minutes and listen to this message. It’s the best I’ve ever heard…but maybe because I needed to hear it so badly.